Bladed Knowledge Base

Determining coupled mode types
Category: Linearisation & Campbell diagram

How do I work out which coupled modes are which in the Campbell diagram such as in-plane, out-of-plane etc...?

The coupled modes in the Campbell diagram are named after their most significant uncoupled mode contribution. This naming is not always reliable and does not give a full description of the mode. Therefore, it is recommended that users always work out what a coupled mode is based on the contributions from uncoupled modes. You can see the uncoupled contributions by clicking on a point in the diagram and looking in the separate 'GHView' window. In the example below, you can see that this is a mode that couples 'mode 2' in the three blades to form a coupled rotor mode. Mode 2 directly relates to the corresponding mode in the modal analysis results in the relevant project. So in this case, it would be the 2nd blade mode in the list.

You can also view the coupled modes by clicking the 'View' button in the GHView window. This can help you work out the phase of the contributing uncoupled modes, which tells you whether the modes are symmetric or anti-symmetric.

GHView window in Campbell diagram viewer

In 4.7 and later, the names of the uncoupled modes have more complete names (e.g. 1st flapwise mode), and the phase of each contribution is also output to the GHView window.

Keywords Campbell coupled modes mode modal