Bladed Knowledge Base

How to include second order hydrodynamic excitation loads in Bladed if using AQWA QTF data.
Category: Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics


From version 4.14 Bladed supports the Second Order Hydrodynamics calculation. The feature supports QTF data compatible with Wadam and WAMIT formats. For AQWA data users the 2nd order file " .qtf" is not read in by Bladed directly.

Versions of Bladed affected: Bladed 4.14

Article last updated: 24 May 2023


A temporary solution is to use an open-source tool to convert the 2nd Order QTF data to Wadam/WAMIT format. The proposed application is: GitHub - BEMRosetta/BEMRosetta: Hydrodynamic coefficients viewer and converter for Boundary Element Method solver formats

BEMRosetta allows the user to load the AQWA 2nd Order Hydrodynamic data and convert it to Wadam/WAMIT format. 

A few notes: 

- The QTF AQWA data is non-dimensionalised in BEMRosetta to match the Wadam/WAMIT file format specification.  The "Physical Constants" defined in the simulation parameters in Bladed are used to dimensionalise the data read by Bladed (water density and gravity). 

- As for the first order data, the user still needs to make sure the BEM Hydrodynamic body Node in Bladed matches the AQWA simulation outputs location. 

We continue to advise the users to use the Bladed pre-processor for import of the AQWA 1st order linear data. 

Note:  We have performed testing to evaluate the BEMRosetta tool to check suitability and are satisfied with the results. However the BEMRosetta project is not a supported DNV product and therefore DNV will not provide support or fixes relating to the use of this application.

Keywords AQWA, Second order hydrodynamic excitation load, Floating, BEM, Hydrodynamics, QTF data