Bladed Knowledge Base

Dynamic non-linear p-y curve from v4.9+ versions of Bladed
Category: Linearisation & Campbell diagram

Does it mean the ’finite element loads’ correction will alter the natural frequency of offshore wind turbines in Bladed FLEXIBILITY calculation?
The Campbell diagram uses the defined uncoupled tower modes as input. The point of the ‘finite element deflections’ feature is to recreate the dynamics that would be seen with a far higher number of modes defined. Therefore the Campbell diagram output and time series output with ‘finite element deflections’ enabled would converge in terms of frequencies for the case where the Campbell diagram is run with a model that has a very high number of uncoupled tower modes defined. For a Campbell diagram run with a ‘standard’ model definition (relatively small set of defined uncoupled tower modes), the coupled tower frequencies would not identically match ‘finite element deflections’ time series frequencies.

Keywords finite element deflections; Campbell diagram