Bladed Knowledge Base

Parallel simulation support/limits on individual machines
Category: Licencing and dongles


Bladed versions affected: all current 4.x versions 

Date of last article update: 1st September 2022


How many parallel simulations can be run on an individual machine?


Bladed was not specifically designed for running large numbers of parallel simulations on larger multi-core machines, and will often not scale well beyond approximately 16 parallel simulations on many PCs, due to both licensing and hardware constraints. Before committing to any license purchases specifically intended for large numbers of parallel simulations on an individual machine, we recommend that you first contact us to obtain a free trial license to test out your proposed configuration.

Performance can also often be improved by converting a Standard network license to a Hybrid license, which can be done free of charge. Please contact DNV if you are unsure whether you have a Standard or Hybrid license, or to request a conversion.

Please note that the general suggested approach for running large numbers of parallel simulations is to set up a Batch network of several regular-sized machines, or alternatively to use the Bladed Cloud platform (please contact DNV for further details).

Keywords Parallel simulations, licence, license, hybrid