Bladed Knowledge Base

Bladed API Capabilities for Load Calculations Workflow - Video Tutorial
Category: Automation


Demonstration of how to combine the three components of the Bladed Application Programming Interface (API) family - Bladed Project, Batch and Results API, to achieve end-to-end automation of the turbine load calculation workflow


The Bladed API family has three distinct components that may be combined to fully automate most turbine load calculation workflows. The constituent components of the Bladed API are:
- Project API: Allows loading, manipulating and saving Bladed project files 
- Batch API: Allows for simulations/calculations to be queued in Bladed Batch and also automate Batch runs
- Results API: Allows users to read Bladed results either to analyze, report, visualize or post process the data

Together, these three APIs provide the user with a rich toolbox that allows automation of most tasks within their load calculation/analysis workflow.

To help users get started on their automation journey, we have created a tutorial video that walks through the various stages in a typical load calculation workflow, illustrating how each stage can be automated using one of the existing API libraries. The video, titled "Bladed API Capabilities for Load Calculations Workflow" is available to view/download from the "Videos" section of the Bladed software portal.

The video references example Bladed project files as well as a Jupyter notedbook which holds the code that automates each stage of the workflow. All the files needed to re-run the code embedded in the notebook as well as the notebook itself are available for download from the "Documentation" -> "User Guides" section of the Bladed software portal. An HTML version of the notebook is also included for users who wish to view the notebook's contents without needing to install Jupyter. The file to download is called "API Capabilities for Load Calculations Workflow -".

Keywords Bladed API, automation, video tutorial, Results API, Project API, Batch API