Bladed Knowledge Base

Pre-4.11 versions require administrative privileges to install and run
Category: Bladed Installation and Setup


In all versions of Bladed up to 4.11, administrator privileges are required to not only install but also run an instance of Bladed on your personal computer. This can sometimes cause problems running Bladed if a company does not allow employees administrator privileges.


Admin rights are not required for running Bladed 4.11 and subsequent, although they are still needed for installation.

For older versions: A possible workaround is to install Bladed to the user’s profile folder. Follow these steps:

- Open File Explorer and type %USERPROFILE% in the address bar.  This will take you to the user’s home folder where they should have full permissions. 

- Install Bladed to this folder.

- Once installed navigate to the Bladed installation folder and then right click on the file Bladed_m72.exe.

- Select properties in the menu and the window below will appear.

- Navigate to the Compatibility tab.

- Select Change settings for all users at the bottom.

- Another window will appear as shown below. Uncheck the box Run this program as an administrator at the bottom of the window. Then select Ok to close the window.

- Select Ok in the Compatibility window to apply the changes and close the window (the Compatibility window should look the same as below).

- The user should now be able to open Bladed_m72.exe load the demo model and run a calculation without error. Check that this can be completed once administrator privileges have been removed from the computer.

Keywords Administrator privileges Installation Admin rights User Account Control