Bladed Knowledge Base

Define different mass on each blade
Category: Structural dynamics

How can I define different mass distributions in each blade?

This solution works for 4.8 and earlier - it's not applicable to 4.9 or subsequent versions.

Firstly, there are two separate files to be aware of

powprod.$PJ – this is the turbine definition file that is written to disk for each calculation

DTBLADED.IN – this is the input file for the calculation code dtbladed.exe. It is temporarily written to the installation directory when the calculation starts.

The two files have very similar formats but some slight differences. An important difference is that the $PJ file contains the inputs to calculate the ice mass on the blade, whereas the DTBLADED.IN file contains the actual mass of each blade including ice. This presents an opportunity to edit the ice mass on each blade manually.

Follow these instructions to define differnt mass on each blade:

1. Define some ice on at least one blade in the blade screen.

2. Start a calculation and you should see this window. Don’t press “Start” yet.  (Don’t see this? Go to Tools > Preferences > select “warn when starting calculation”.

Leaving this window open means that you’ll be able to find the file as described below. The file is deleted when the calculation completes.

3. Navigate to the installation directory and find the dtbladed.IN file in the folder starting $$$$.

Open the file DTBLADED.IN inside this folder

4. In the DTBLADED.IN file, copy the block “MSTART BMASSMB” including the line “MEND”

5. Paste the code in the Project Info Special Data box

6. Disable the ice model in the blade screen

7. Edit the parameter MASS in Project Info as you see fit. Note that the format is Member1End1, Member1End2, Member 2End1, Member2End2 …

So, there are (2*num_blade_elements) or equivalently (2_num_blade_stations-2) entries on each line.

The blade mass distribution for each blade in Project Info will overwrite the blade mass defined in the blade screen.

8. Run the simulation.

Keywords Mass blade