Bladed Knowledge Base

Applying a v2c licence file
Category: Licencing and dongles

To update a hardware dongle with a new licence agreement you will need to apply a v2c file

To apply the attached V2C file, please follow these instructions.


1.  Ensure that the USB dongle to be updated is plugged into a computer with the HASP run-time installed (it is installed by default with Bladed).

2.  Save the V2C update file locally.

3.  Visit http://localhost:1947/_int_/checkin.html.

4.  Select 'Browse'

5.  Locate the V2C file and click 'Open'

6.  Select 'Apply File'.  ACC will indicate whether the update succeeded.

NB - It is possible to apply your v2c whilst job are running without interfering with them.




1.          dongle插入电脑USB接口。

2.          保存V2C文件在硬盘

3.          访问 http://localhost:1947/_int_/checkin.html.

4.          选择“Choose File.

5.          找到电脑中的V2C 文件,并点击.

6.          选中文件.  ACC 将提示升级是否成功.

Keywords Dongle; Licence; v2c