Bladed Knowledge Base

Modelling guyed towers
Category: Model building - Tower & support structure

How would I model a tower supported by taut cables (guys)?

It is possible to model towers supported by guy cables using the ‘Multi-member’ tower module (offshore module).

Each guyed cable is modelled as an additional support structure member. This means that the ground anchor points need to be defined as additional nodes, and the cables themselves are defined as additional members connecting the tower attachment node with the ground anchor position.

In order to configure these members as guy cables, the following Project Info text is required:


NumBarElements  6

BarElements           27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

NumPreTensionEls 6

PreTensionEls          27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

PreTension               274680, 274680, 274680, 274680, 274680, 274680


The above example is just for illustration and would of course vary according to the model. It shows a definition for 6 cables, numbers as additional members 27 to 32, and all of which have pre-tension of 274680N. It would require the creation of six new nodes in the tower screen, all at ground level, as well as six new elements connecting the new nodes to existing tower nodes.

Keywords tower; support structure; guy / guys / guyed; cable